A year of misery & uncertainty

Pranay Maheshwari
2 min readApr 17, 2021

Who would have imagined on the New Year’s Eve 2020 that every moment of happiness and celebration been done shall cease to lockdowns, curfews, work from home and many other restrictions. It’s been nearly 12 months of curfews, lockdowns and other restrictions here in India and of course, these limitations on our freedom are going to be taxing and long-lasting. The world has witnessed 3 million deaths so far and the worst is yet to come, as reports suggest with new strains and mutants evolving in different regions of this beautiful planet. My native country, India has recorded near to two hundred thousand deaths with around 2 million active cases.

We went from ‘zero’ to a ‘thousand’ cases in minutes and the whole world came to a complete standstill. However, in many parts of the world, it still is. No matter the pandemic brought families together but it even took away our loved ones. Over the last year, we’ve ridden the waves of dismissing how serious the Coronavirus is, all the way to curfews, lockdowns, isolations, emptying of the supermarkets, changing the way of travel, a beautiful vacation for a week thinking things were getting better, and now, a new strain and possible waves of restrictions and lockdowns.

Use the tough times for Self Care. It is important to look after ourselves to flush out the negativity and intake the positivity from the Nature. Stop negative news intake, a major factor to increase stress, anxiety and depression. Make sure to exercise and stretch your body regularly for atleast sixty minutes a day and sunlight intake for atleast 20 minutes per day. It is important to remain in touch with friends and family who are away and you miss them during such trying time.

So I just want to take a moment to find compassion for ourselves and these difficult energies we are being asked to navigate by Mother Nature. We humans aren’t meant or made to live in such isolation. As hopeless and negligent as the situations may seem out there, there is light at the end. I promise you. Hold on in there, we will all reconnect physically soon and it will be wonderful to greet & hug our loved ones, away from the mystic universe of smartphones.



Pranay Maheshwari

Attorney, Entrepreneur, Climate Activist, Feminist, Columnist & Traveller